
Our Story

On a mission to provide others with the tools to tackle struggles similar to her own, Ella Doran founded Kibou as a way of offering hope to the millions that experience mental ill health in their everyday lives. She knows that opening up, asking for help and keeping your loved ones in the loop is easier said than done, but crucial to managing the day-to-day. She also knows that mental ill health impacts more than just the person experiencing it, and that it’s a lot less scary when you can tackle it together.

Meet our Founder

Who is it for?

Kibou is for anyone who experiences mental ill health, and anyone that supports them.

Unfortunately, mental ill health heavily impacts the sports industry today, with around 40% of elite athletes in the UK said to be experiencing mental health disorders. Recently, many athletes have required significant time out from their sport due to mental health concerns.

Good mental health is a huge part of performance, and key to the success of any club, team or organisation. Being mentally well also reignites the passion and love for sport that can be lost when struggling with poor mental health.

Mental ill health can impact an athlete’s life at every level, affecting their ability to thrive both on and off the playing field. And, sadly, many of these experiences aren’t communicated to coaches, teammates, or loved ones, and many people who are struggling attempt to cope with their everyday alone. It doesn’t have to be this way.

That’s why we’re offering exclusive Kibou Elite access to sports organisations that are committed to supporting the whole athlete, and to giving them the support they need to perform well in every part of their lives.

See our Plans page for Kibou Elite info.

Not in sport but think that Kibou could help your organisation? We want to hear from you too!

Commit to real support for your people.

Contact us today for Kibou Elite plans

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